
Hi, I’m Katie! I am a landscape painter, nature and dog lover. If I am able to spend the morning hiking with my dog and husband and painting in the afternoon, I am in my true happy place. I find balance in this way. The trails we take and summits climbed, bring inspiration to my paintings. I find that I just want to share those moments of tranquility in the woods as well as the vast open spaces (which put me in a state of awe). This world, and its natural surroundings, can be pretty spectacular, and I believe I am able to share these wonderful spaces in a joyful yet peaceful manner for you to bring to your home.

I am also an elementary art educator, which allows me to help build confidence in young artists as they learn to create beautiful masterpieces of their own. No matter what, my hands are covered in paint, pastel, or clay. I tell me students, “An artist’s hands are always messy!”

More than anything, I hope you find peace, tranquility & joy through these paintings.

Soak in the sunshine, the smiles and the laughs. Grow through the challenges, be proud of your successes and reflect on the failures. Celebrate it all.

When we truly stop & enjoy the view in front of us, this world all of a sudden becomes such an amazing place.

Walk with me, we will find peace & Tranquility


Katie, Craig & Bodie